2007-10-14 18:36 0 1316 2 mins

The Crush by matt pond PA


The Crush
by matt pond PA

Call off the crush
It started with my arm
Across your chest
It was enough
There is so much
That never goes away
There is a crush
From how our arms can weigh

Deep beneath the sheets
I see another arm that knows the way you breathe
I am not blind and I can see
In the snow you'll never be with me
I said no it's not right
I know it's not alright with me

So I should rush
Into another arm
Across my chest
There is enough
There is so much
That never goes away
There is a crush
From how our arms can weigh

Deep beneath the sheets
I see another arm that knows the way you breathe
I am not blind and I can see
In the snow you'll never be with me
I said no it's not right
I know it's not alright with me

Call off the crush
That goes down to our legs
It waits for dark, it waits for dusk
Our eyes will close
Upon another day
There is so much, there is enough

side A

周五本打算看一晚上书,全身心投入《幻影书》怀抱的!咳怎么身份对换了——但确是睡神最知我心,从九点睡到周六中午十二点,足足十五个小时实在是舒服极了。醒来后,很有精神地看《幻影书》,也很清楚地分清现实与虚构的所在,虽投入,但这不过是一个故事,手里捧的是实体的书。傍晚时分,跑去水母家那边师大澡堂洗澡,随后吃饭聊天,逛校园,从车摊上买了本《牛仔裤》,啧——坐公车回单位关下载,然后回家——简略收拾,继续趟床上看《幻影书》的结尾部分,听Pearl Jam却觉得柔情万分。看完最后的访谈,随手拿起从水母家蹭来的伊藤润二漫画翻了四五篇,晚上要做噩梦才好嘛——伊恩叔叔的《水泥花园》也带回来了,看了一页,决定睡——周日的今天,照旧睡到十二点,不过是凌晨两点半关的灯,乖,我在三点前睡了耶——醒来后回完短信便开始滚被窝——挣扎到快一点,起来看《水泥花园》,一百多页的伪惊悚故事,什么叫残酷青春呀都是放屁,伊恩叔叔你好邪恶我很爱你,看完后我便开始洗脸刷牙——来到了这里上网。

side B

喏,matt pond PA的新专辑周五下午便入手。

之前也知新专评价一般,于是有了心理准备。但这又与聆听何干。matt pond PA的东西向来平庸,挑几首推荐也很难。历往专辑听下来,很舒服很悦耳,但动听的金曲却少得可怜。两年前偶尔听见时,也只是觉得清新——直到今年上半年将他们全部专辑拖在电脑里听,这种平庸成为一种习惯。也自有某种回忆在其中。


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